Pineapples: The Healing Fruit Of The Tropics (Includes A Recipe For Pina-Banana Orange Smoothie)

Author: Yuri // Category: , , , , , , ,

For a natural and tasty way to improve your health and boost your healing capacity, add fresh pineapple and pineapple juice to your diet. Pineapples are nutritionally packed members of the bromeliad family. This delightful tropical fruit is high in the enzyme bromelain and the antioxidant vitamin C, both of which plays a major role in the body's healing process.

Bromelain, a natural anti-inflammatory with analgesic properties, encourages healing, promotes well-being and has many other health benefits. Bromelain is very effective in treating bruises, sprains and strains by reducing swelling, tenderness and pain. This powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect can also help relieve osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and reduce postoperative swelling. Additionally, bromelain can relieve indigestion. The enzyme contained in fresh pineapple helps break down the amino acid bonds in proteins, which promotes good digestion.

Pine Apples

Pineapples also provide an ample supply of vitamin C, a commonly known antioxidant that protects the body from free radical damage and boosts the immune system. Vitamin C helps build and repair bodily tissue and promotes wound healing. The body uses vitamin C to help metabolize fats and cholesterol, absorb iron, and synthesize amino acids and collagen. Collagen is one of the primary building blocks of skin, cartilage and bones. Vitamin C also decreases the severity of colds and infections.

Furthermore, due to its high vitamin C content, pineapples are good for your oral health as well. Recent studies have found that vitamin C can reduce your risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease. Besides increasing the ability of connective tissue to repair itself, vitamin C also increases the body's ability to fight invading bacteria and other toxins that contribute to gum disease. Periodontal disease, which destroys gum tissue and underlying jaw bones, has been linked to heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

So if you are searching for a natural way to enhance your body's healing mechanisms, promote overall good health and tantalize your taste buds, pineapples are the way to go. Choose the fresh fruit because it has the most healing properties. Unfortunately, most of the bromelain in canned pineapple is destroyed due to the heat used in the canning process.

When choosing a fresh pineapple, do not judge ripeness solely based upon color. There are several varieties on the market that range from green to golden yellow. The most important factor in determining ripeness is smell, let your nose help you decide. Ripe pineapples give off a sweet, fresh tropical smell. Avoid pineapples that give off an unpleasant odor or have any soft spots or areas of dark discoloration. Once home, let the pineapple sit on your counter at room temperature until ready to use. This will preserve its sweet and tangy flavor.

To prepare pineapple, you need to peel it, remove the eyes (the thorny protrusions within the puffy squares of the skin) and the fibrous center. One way to do this is to remove the top of the pineapple with a sharp knife. Then cut the pineapple lengthwise into 4 wedges (quarter it) and place each pineapple wedge horizontally on a cutting board. Carefully cut the fruit from the outer skin, and cut out the eyes and fibrous center core.

Another way is to cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple, place the pineapple vertically (upright) on a cutting board and carefully slice off the outer skin. With a sharp paring knife or the end if a vegetable peeler, remove the eyes. Don't cut too deep, just enough to lift out the section that contains the eye. Then, slice the pineapple crosswise and remove the fibrous core individually with a cookie cutter.

Once the fruit is prepared, it can be diced and eaten fresh, added to salads and entrees for an exotic flavor, or made into tasty tropical drinks and smoothies.

To get you started, try Monique N. Gilbert's delicious, nutritious, cholesterol-free smoothie recipe. It's high in bromelain, vitamin C, beta carotene, potassium, thiamin (vitamin B-1), riboflavin (vitamin B-2), iron, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and soy isoflavones.

Pina-Banana Orange Smoothie


1 frozen banana

1 cup fresh pineapple

1/2 cup soymilk

1/3 cup orange juice

1 tablespoon canned pumpkin

1 tablespoon ground flax seeds

1 tablespoon honey (optional)


Place all of the above ingredients in a food processor or blender. Blend for 1-2 minutes, or until smooth and creamy.
Makes about 2-3/4 cups (2 servings)

Copyright © Monique N. Gilbert - All Rights Reserved

Pineapples: The Healing Fruit Of The Tropics (Includes A Recipe For Pina-Banana Orange Smoothie)

Monique N. Gilbert, B.Sc. is a Health, Nutrition, Weight-Loss & Lifestyle Coach; Certified Personal Trainer/Fitness Counselor; Recipe Developer; Freelance Writer and Author of Virtues of Soy: A Practical Health Guide and Cookbook.

She has offered guidance in natural health, nutrition, fitness, weight-loss and stress management since 1989. She has received international recognition for helping people get healthy, manage stress, lose weight and keep it off. Through her coaching program and writings, Monique motivates and teaches how to improve your well-being, vitality and longevity with balanced nutrition, physical activity and healthy living. For more information, visit her website.

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How Long to Cook Pork Chops on the Grill

Author: Yuri // Category:

Grilling pork chops can be challenging in that it is fairly easy to have them dry and get tough. Here is a guide on how long to cook the chops so you end up with juicy, tasty meat. If you prefer to use bone-in chops that is perfectly fine. I do not recommend that you eat pork that is not cooked all the way through so arm yourself with a good meat thermometer!

Here is what you need to do for delicious, well cooked juicy pork chops:

4 boneless 1 inch thick pork chops
4 teaspoons curry powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
2 teaspoons brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
Vegetable Oil

Rinse and pat dry the pork chops. Using your hands coat the pork with oil, evenly on both sides.

In a small bowl mix all of the spices. Mix well. Rub the meat evenly, on both sides, with the spices.

Heat your grill to high, with the lid closed, for 15 minutes. Clean the cooking grates with a wire brush. Leave one burner on high and the rest on medium low. If you are using a charcoal grill pile the hot coals on one side and leave the other one without any coals.

Place the chops on the hot part of the grill, with the lid closed, for about 3 minutes per side. You want to sear them fast and create some grill marks. Move the meat to the cooler part of the grill and cook, flipping once, for about 7 more minutes or until a meat thermometer registers 130 degrees. Remove the pork from the grill onto a platter and cover loosely with foil. Let them rest for 5 minutes as they will continue to cook while they sit. Your meat should register 145 degrees after the resting time. Serve with your favorite side. We ate these with grilled corn on the cob and grilled pineapples.

For pictures of these delicious pork chops click here.

Mary Ann Allen, The Frugal Chef, is dedicated to show people how to eat well without spending a fortune. Her website http:/// is loaded with free recipes, cooking videos and tips on how to save money without sacrificing nutrition and flavor!

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Can I Self Induce Labor?

Author: Yuri // Category: ,

If you feel as big as a house and have serious difficulties in sleeping, swollen feet that feel like a ton of bricks, cramps, pain in your back, bulging varicose veins, painful hemorrhoids, and difficulty in breathing and in moving around and constantly need to use the restroom -- it's quite understandable that you are looking for natural ways to self induce labor.

The fact is that a typical pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. Sometimes, the pregnant mother may think that inducing labor is a good idea, though the baby may feel otherwise. Inducing labor naturally is usually a safe procedure. However, as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends, you shouldn't try to induce labor before your pregnancy has reached 40 weeks. In addition, you should never attempt self inducing labor without the full knowledge of your healthcare provider.

Pine Apples

So, what can you do to help your body to start labor naturally? There are quite a few natural labor inducing remedies. Some are more effective and safer than others.

One of the legendary labor inducing remedy is the "Prego Pizza". It was originally created by Skipolini's Pizza in Clayton, California in early 1980's. The story tells of a woman in a very advanced state of pregnancy who happened to step into this restaurant and jokingly asked for a pizza that would make her have the baby soon. The chef created a masterpiece that had six types of meat and was loaded with fresh vegetables and extra basilica and extra garlic. The deeply pregnant woman left the restaurant after eating the newly created "Prego Pizza" -- and gave birth to a baby boy on that very same evening. The original newspaper article about the pizza that induced labor can be viewed here.

Basilica and oregano, which are common pizza toppings, have stimulant properties on the uterus. In aromatherapy circles, these herbs and their essential oils are to be avoided, whenever possible, during pregnancy. Thus, basilica and oregano might be behind the success of the "Prego Pizza".

Pineapple is said to induce labor as well. Pineapple, as well as papaya and mango, contain a proteolytic enzyme called bromelain. When bromelain is consumed with meals, it assists in the digestion of proteins. When taken on an empty stomach, bromelain acts medicinally as an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, naturopathic medicine uses this enzyme to reduce pain and swelling.

The mechanism by which pineapple contributes to inducing labor might be the proteolytic action of bromelain. Bromelain might help to soften the connective tissue of the cervix and, thus, bring on labor. Because bromelain is destroyed in the production process of canned pineapple, you should consume only fresh pineapple flesh if you are trying to induce labor with pineapple.

If your cervix is unripe -- and you are not fond of eating plenty of pineapple -- you can also use prostaglandin to help soften and ripen the cervix. You can use prostaglandins directly on the cervix or you can take it orally.

Evening primrose oil is an excellent source of prostaglandins. The general recommendation is to take 3-4 primrose oil capsules (500 mg per capsule) daily. Primrose oil can also be applied directly on the cervix if your membranes are intact (and you have not been diagnosed with placenta previa). Use the oil on your fingers to apply it on the cervix. If you have difficulties to reach it, ask your partner to insert the entire capsule into your vagina just before bedtime.

Can I Self Induce Labor?

One of the most effective methods to self induce labor is acupressure. It has been proven to work, and to be safe for both the mother and the baby. Visit and discover how acupressure induces labor.

Article by Lena Leino, author of a new labor acupressure guide "Easier, Shorter and Safer Birth".

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Pineapple - The Universal Sign of Hospitality

Author: Yuri // Category: , ,

The pineapple has long been a popular symbol of hospitality and friendship. This symbolism has a lengthy history beginning when Christopher Columbus and his men landed on the island now known as Guadeloupe on their second voyage of discovery. In 1493, Christopher Columbus brought the fruit back to Europe from his voyage through the Carib Islands. This tropical king of fruits was crowned the "pineapple" by the English because of its resemblance to a pine cone and its juicy center, which reminded them of an apple.

To the Carib, the pineapple symbolized hospitality, and the Spaniards soon learned they were welcome if a pineapple was placed by the entrance to a village. This symbolism spread to Europe, then to Colonial North America, where it became the custom to carve the shape of a pineapple into the columns at the entrance of a plantation. Families often put a fresh pineapple in the center of the table when they had visitors. This was not only a colorful centerpiece but symbolized the greatest welcome and hospitality to the visitor. The fruit would then be served after the meal as a special desert.

I love the fact that something as simple and delicious as a pineapple has a long history and is still used today to welcome guests. In my home, I have a welcome sign with a large pineapple in the center and over the pineapple are the words "Welcome Friends and Family." I also have a multifunctional silver tray with a pineapple, which I sometimes put on display on a shelf or use to serve cheese and crackers. I hope my guests notice the pineapple accessories in my home!

You can see pineapple accessories for your home at

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How to Get Rid of Warts Fast - Easy Tricks You Can Do!

Author: Yuri // Category:

Everybody wants to know how to get rid of warts fast without having to pay the price of an expensive doctor visit, but there are so many methods out there, which do you pick? I have read everything: from potatoes to pineapples or banana peels to garlic capsules. I'm not saying those home remedies don't work, but they will generally require a much larger time investment, as opposed to today's more modern techniques.

Here are the more effective ways to get rid of warts fast:

Pine Apples

Use duct tape

Most people have never heard of this method. You simple leave a piece of duct tape over the affected area, and once a week you soak the wart, lightly scrub it with something like a nail file, then replace the strip. After 8 weeks the wart should be gone!

Freeze it off

This has come to be the popular method for reasons unknown to me. I guess nobody is aware of its mere 60% effectiveness rate, but for those of you who want to know more about it, you are simply killing the wart with liquid nitrogen that's being applied by a Q-tip-like applicator.

Burn it off

Take a match, light it, blow it out, and stick hot ember onto the wart. Yes, this is a real method. No, I do not recommend it to those of us who do not feel that they are daring enough. It is a little risky, but I have heard that it is a very effective method.

How to Get Rid of Warts Fast - Easy Tricks You Can Do!

My Secret Weapon

If you want to know the secret to get rid of warts fast, then look no further. I found this amazing guide about a month back, and I've been sharing it with the world since. It made me completely wart free in just 3 days!

So, if you're done being plagued with these wretched vermins, click here to read the amazing guide.

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Potassium and The Dialysis Patient

Author: Yuri // Category: , ,

Any dialysis patient who has had a brush with high potassium will know only too well how dangerous this can be. We are forever being told to watch our potassium intake, so I thought I would explore the reasons for this, and what practical steps we can take to limit the risks.

For your cells to function properly, it is important that you maintain the right level of potassium, unfortunately, for those of us with kidney disease, there is no way for our bodies to rid themselves of this potassium. As too high a level of potassium can cause muscle weakness, affect the heart rhythm and may even cause death, it is critical that we manage our intake carefully, in consultation with our dietician, clinical nurse, and renal specialist.

Some signs that your potassium may be too high might include, but are not limited to: nausea, diarrhea, muscle weakness, and irregular heartbeat. If you experience any of these symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider, or take yourself off to the nearest hospital - post haste!

So it's all well and good to know that a high potassium level is dangerous, and what the symptoms are and what to do if we experience the symptoms, but what can we do to avoid this danger? Well I'm glad you asked!

Whilst some external factors affect the level of potassium in the blood of a dialysis patient, the one major thing that you can do is to manage your diet. Avoid foods that are high in potassium, and you stay out of the danger zone. It's as simple as that!

"So what are these foods I should be avoiding?" I hear you ask. Whilst this list provides some of the foods that may put you into the danger zone, it is by no means a comprehensive list. It should also be noted here that very few foods should be considered completely "off limits", just because you are on dialysis, doesn't mean that your life must stop and that you shouldn't be able to enjoy some of it's finer offerings.

The list:
All meats, poultry and fish,. apricots (fresh more so than canned), avocado, banana, cantaloupe, honeydew, Kiwi Fruit, lima beans, milk, oranges and orange juice, potatoes, prunes, spinach, tomatoes, vegetables and vegetable juice .

Your next question should be: "But that seems like a lot of vegetables, what can I do to lower the potassium level in vegetables?" I'm glad you asked again! To lower the content in vegetables, simply cut the vegetables up into small pieces, and boil them well in a saucepan then drain them thoroughly.

Hopefully this has given you some idea of what symptoms to look out for, what foods to avoid, and generally how to live with a low potassium diet. For more information, talk to your dietician, clinical nurse, or doctor.

About the author: Stuart Drew is a 34 year old dialysis patient from Adelaide, Australia. He has a wilfe, a son (with another on the way), and two miniature schnauzers. He is a part time web geek, and runs the website - a news service for all issues relating to kidney disease and dialysis. He can be contacted at

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3 Natural Gout Treatments You Can Use to Get Rid of Gout

Author: Yuri // Category: ,

Waking up to searing foot or ankle pain can be frustrating. Especially when you are already taking medication to prevent attacks. These three natural gout treatments can help relieve and prevent painful joints.

1. pineapples

Pine Apples

Pineapples are great at getting rid of gout. While they are not as well known as cherries, the king of gout treatments, they tackle every part of the problem by getting rid of uric acid, reducing swelling, and reducing uric acid levels. Pineapples are loaded with potassium which helps liquefy uric acid so your kidneys can eliminate them. The bromelain in pineapples reduces swelling, and the vitamin C has been shown in tests to significantly reduce uric acid levels.

2. grapes

Grapes aid in getting rid of gout by helping reduce swelling, helping the kidneys eliminate uric acid, and by helping reduce uric acid levels. Grapes help reduce swelling through two flavonoids, quercitin, and anthocyanins. Dark grapes are better for treating gout than lighter ones as they have a much higher level of flavonoids. Grapes help the kidneys excrete uric acid due to their high water content and potassium. Grapes are 2/3 water. Grapes also are beneficial in reducing uric acid levels due to their vitamin C content.

3. bananas

Bananas like pineapples and grapes also help reduce swelling and lower uric acid levels. As with our first two fruits, bananas contain potassium and vitamin C. Bananas have approximately 10% of the daily recommended allowance for potassium. They contain approximately 15% of the recommended allowance for vitamin C.

Pineapples, grapes, and bananas by themselves will not help you get rid of gout, however, when combined together as a regular part of your diet, they form a potent remedy to help you reduce painful swelling, decrease your excess uric acid levels through urination, and reduce your long term uric acid levels.

3 Natural Gout Treatments You Can Use to Get Rid of Gout

If you are tired of painful gout attacks and are looking for more information about natural gout treatments, come visit Gout Treatments. This popular site can show you how to get rid of and prevent gout safely and effectively the natural way.

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3 Natural Gout Treatments You Can Use to Get Rid of Gout

Author: Yuri // Category: ,

Waking up to searing foot or ankle pain can be frustrating. Especially when you are already taking medication to prevent attacks. These three natural gout treatments can help relieve and prevent painful joints.

1. pineapples

Pineapples are great at getting rid of gout. While they are not as well known as cherries, the king of gout treatments, they tackle every part of the problem by getting rid of uric acid, reducing swelling, and reducing uric acid levels. Pineapples are loaded with potassium which helps liquefy uric acid so your kidneys can eliminate them. The bromelain in pineapples reduces swelling, and the vitamin C has been shown in tests to significantly reduce uric acid levels.

2. grapes

Grapes aid in getting rid of gout by helping reduce swelling, helping the kidneys eliminate uric acid, and by helping reduce uric acid levels. Grapes help reduce swelling through two flavonoids, quercitin, and anthocyanins. Dark grapes are better for treating gout than lighter ones as they have a much higher level of flavonoids. Grapes help the kidneys excrete uric acid due to their high water content and potassium. Grapes are 2/3 water. Grapes also are beneficial in reducing uric acid levels due to their vitamin C content.

3. bananas

Bananas like pineapples and grapes also help reduce swelling and lower uric acid levels. As with our first two fruits, bananas contain potassium and vitamin C. Bananas have approximately 10% of the daily recommended allowance for potassium. They contain approximately 15% of the recommended allowance for vitamin C.

Pineapples, grapes, and bananas by themselves will not help you get rid of gout, however, when combined together as a regular part of your diet, they form a potent remedy to help you reduce painful swelling, decrease your excess uric acid levels through urination, and reduce your long term uric acid levels.

If you are tired of painful gout attacks and are looking for more information about natural gout treatments, come visit Gout Treatments. This popular site can show you how to get rid of and prevent gout safely and effectively the natural way.

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Achieve Normal Blood Sugar Levels With the Help of List of Foods For Diabetics to Eat (Fruits)

Author: Yuri // Category: , , , ,

Most of us know that extra weight which a person puts on, over the course of years, plays a vital role in developing diabetes. Accumulation of fats around the abdominal area causes the insulin to become less effective. This is termed insulin resistance. It means that body is compelled to produce excessive insulin to achieve normal blood sugar levels.

Eventually the pancreas of the person fails to produce the required amount of insulin and the blood sugar level start to rise. This is the critical point where type 2 diabetes sets in. This is important to note that diabetes or insulin resistance is not caused by the sweet things. Excessive calories of any kind including cake, potatoes, and sugary drinks trigger this problem. The absence of physical activity is also one of the causes of diabetes. Genes also play a vital role in the onset of the disease.

Pine Apples

Whatever the reason is, if you are diagnosed with diabetes, then it is the right time to watch what you eat. The best way is to have a list of foods for diabetics to eat. Most people love to eat fruits but the diabetics have to take care of the type and the portion size of the fruit.

Fruits That Have a Higher Level of Fructose leads to certain problems. Eating high fructose fruits mean that a person is eating pure sugar. Table sugar or pure sugar has a Glycemic Index of 100. If a person consumes carbohydrates with higher Glycemic Index his blood sugar levels are adversely affected.

Heath care professionals were of the view that almost all fruit are good for diabetics. However the recent researches depict that it is the glycemic index of any food that matters most. Fruits that have the higher ranks of glycemic index are;

· Pineapple

· Raisins

· Ripe peaches

· Cantaloupes

The List of FRUITS For Diabetics To Eat (Lower Glycemic Index)

apple cherries dried apricots grapefruit oranges pears plums prunes strawberries

The principle here is to select the fruits that have the low value of glycemic index and then manage the portion size according to GI. The fruits that have a higher GI can be eaten by diabetics but in moderation. For instance diabetics can eat

8 - 12 Grapes ½ cup Pineapple 2 Tbsp Raisins ½ Peach

This is the nice way to start controlling the blood sugar levels. However one should be careful about other foods he eats. The foods that have a lower GI must also be eaten by controlling the portion size.

Achieve Normal Blood Sugar Levels With the Help of List of Foods For Diabetics to Eat (Fruits)

If you want to have a free diabetic meal plan specifically designed according to your personal requirement check List Of Foods For Diabetics To Eat. This list will help to design a meal plan that has the ability to control the Signs Of Diabetes in a way that you'll end saying where is my blood sugar?

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Does it Make a Difference What Foods You Eat When You Have Arthritis?

Author: Yuri // Category: ,

Do you find yourself wondering if your arthritis can be alleviated by eating the right foods? Are some foods actually working against you? If so what could these foods be? These are questions that many arthritis suffers are asking.

In order to answer these questions, let us briefly look into what arthritis really is? It is in fact a painful condition of the joints. However it is a collective name for at least 100 diseases and ailments of the joints. Some of these diseases are systemic, in that they affect your whole system, others just affect certain joins but all of them can progress and become quite debilitating if they are not treated and are allowed to progress unchecked.

Changing your diet is not hard and for some forms of arthritis can be quite beneficial. For other forms of arthritis foods may not make that much difference. Let us take a deeper look into this and separate the facts from the fiction.

In general arthritis sufferers are advised to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight will certainly put a considerable strain on your joints especially your knees. In fact research has shown that for every pound you lose at least 5 pounds will be reduced from your knee joints. A healthy diet is recommended for general good health with less carbohydrates and fats and not drinking soda and acidic foods. The better your health the less problems you will have and although arthritis may still be present you will find that you can keep the symptoms in better control.

Nutritional supplements: Research has shown that nutritional supplements can help certain forms of arthritis; for example vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. These supplements will help to prevent certain types of arthritis and will also help to relieve symptoms.

Glucosamine has long been recommended for arthritis suffers, especially those with osteoarthritis. This substance is made naturally by the body. Although it is found in many tissues of the body it is the main ingredient of glycosaminoglycans that make up the fluid that is in between the joints and the cartilage. When this fluid dries up osteoarthritis will develop. If the body does not make enough glycosamine it can also trigger osteoarthritis. It is not found in foods but can be taken as an oral supplement.

Arthritis can be treated by a number of foods. Relief can be found when you eat foods containing antioxidants, vitamin C and E. You can drink a glass of pure orange juice daily to lower the risk of developing some inflammatory forms of arthritis this is because oranges have carotenoids beta-cryptoxanthin (a form of vitamin A) and zeaxanthin. Vitamin a is very good for bones and skin, plus it will help the immune system. Other fruits and vegetables that contain this vitamin are; yellow apples, apricots, cantaloupes, grapefruit, lemons, mangos, oranges, peaches, pineapples, carrots, sweet corn, and sweet potatoes.

On the other hand some goods could trigger arthritis flares and allergens. Examples of these are; tomatoes, peppers, dairy products, caffeine, sugar additives and preservatives, chocolate, red meat and salt. However it is wise to see for yourself as there are many different types of arthritis.

Dietary supplements include; ginger (found to alleviate knee symptoms) and Omega 3 which you can finds in fish oil and now you can find this in some brands of eggs. Vitamins B12 and B9 need to be taken in fairly large quantities to be effective. Vitamin D3 is often recommended to arthritis sufferers. Osteoarthritis patients are recommended to eat to increase their saturated fat intake and those people who have rheumatoid arthritis are encouraged to eat a diet high in protein and calcium and keep an eye on their weight. No food will actually totally alleviate pain symptoms but eating these foods may help to lesson the symptoms of arthritis.

Cathy Q is a professional writer and the author of several articles on health and wellness

For more information on arthritis treatments please visit

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Exotic Fruits, and All Fruits, Can Help You Lose Weight

Author: Yuri // Category: , ,

Exotic fruits are very delicious and healthy. But did you know you could lose weight with their help. Pineapple, mango, papaya and all fruits can help you lose those extra pounds. According to some nutritionists one of the most popular ways to lose weight is using the pineapple diet.

Pineapples contain some substances that help your body melt the fat away. Many weight loss pills and products contain pineapples extracts. Before you go out and buy a truckload of pineapples, I must warn you that not all people succeed to lose weight with the pineapple diet. Some people lose a lot of weight, some don't lose any weight and the majority lose a little weight. It all depends on your metabolism. But it's worth to try. Especially if you like pineapples.

Pine Apples

Papaya is another sworn enemy of fat. Some even consider papaya the fruit of the XXI century because it contains lots of vitamins. Everybody could use more vitamins in their diet. Vitamins are very healthy and have many benefits for your health. A healthy body will burn more calories and fats daily.

If you are suspicious of all these exotic fruits or you don't like them, you can always eat grapefruits. Grapefruits are widely used in many weight loss diets. I myself used them to lose a couple of pounds with fabulous results. I like grapefruits and oranges and I eat them almost daily.

You could also try using berries in your weight loss diets. They are tasty and good for your health. Japanese nutritionists recommend the use of black currants in any weight loss diet. They recommend you eat a cup of black currants 30 minutes before each meal. They claim that the black currants will at least help you maintain your weight if not lose a couple of pounds.

All fruits are good in any diet. I don't believe there are many diets in which you cannot squeeze in some fruits as light snacks. If you get into the habit of always having fruits in your fridge or in the office you will never binge eat again. You will always have something healthy to snack on. That way you will lose weight or maintain it.

What are your favorite fruits? Make them your healthy snack between meals. That way the temptation to eat something fattening will be much lower. You should always have fruits on your shopping list. I know I do.

Exotic Fruits, and All Fruits, Can Help You Lose Weight

Find out how to stop binge eating to finally lose body fat. For more weight loss tips and secrets visit

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Spongebob Squarepants: Party in a Pineapple Under the Sea!

Author: Yuri // Category: , ,

If your child is a Spongebob fan (and who isn't?) you will be surprised at the wealth of ideas, crafts, games, party favors, and party packages available online, in party supply stores, and department stores. You can even download free Spongebob music online, and burn cd's to play at the party, and even include in the goodie bags as party favors!

Spongebob and his bubbly bunch can be found online. You can find a photo you like, and using your photo editing program, create party invitations featuring your child lounging on a beach with Spongebob. All you have to do is find a photo of Spongebob, or whichever of his friends your child loves the most, take a picture of your child, and create a photo that looks as if they were side by side when the photo was taken. Make copies of this photo, including the time and date of the party, directions to your house, and be sure to specify a time the guests should be picked up after the party. It is always a good idea to invite a couple of other parents you know, so they can lend a hand, and the party is on!

Spongebob Squarepants Decorations

If you are able to hold this party outdoors, the decorations are very easy. Most anyone can buy Spongebob, Patrick Star, Sandy Cheeks, Gary, Squidward Tentacles, Mr. Krabs, Jellyfish, Plankton, and Bikini Bottom posters, which can be glued to cardboard (ask the local appliance store for big boxes) and you can even make cutouts, if you want. Use a very sturdy glue, such as F-26, to affix wooden spikes, and put them into the ground throughout the party area. Put kiddie pools out, and even if it is too cool to swim, you can fill the pools with sand and pails and shovels. Stake out a few sheets of clear plastic, onto which you can paint Spongebob and his friends, or affix stickers, to provide clean areas for crafts and eating. Make jellyfish from pink balloons, by blowing up a balloon, and gluing or taping long, uninflated balloons to create tentacles. String up lots of sea blue and green crepe paper streamers to blow in the wind.

Spongebob Squarepants Party Games

Have a black bag of chocolate coins, and give each guest a ziplock bag. Everyone gets a coin at the end of each game, and a warning to guard it, because Mr. Krabs might be waiting to scoop them up!

"Who Am I?" is a great game! Have pictures of Spongebob and all his friends ready. Call each guest, one at a time. Tape a Spongebob character printout on their back, allowing the other guests to see. The person with the photo on their back can ask yes and no questions, such as, "Am I yellow?" "Am I a Snail?" etc., until he can guess which character is on his back.

"The Jellyfish Stomp" is another fun game! Before inflating some of your jellyfish balloons, put small pieces of paper inside with the name of a party favor on it (like "Stickers" "sour straws"...) and when the music stops, the dancer stomps a balloon, and wins the gift inside.

Before singing happy birthday, play the Spongebob theme song (Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!) Then sing happy birthday, and serve cake, ice cream and seawater punch.

Seawater Punch

Blue Raspberry soft drink mix (mixed according to package directions)

1 bottle lemon lime soda

1 pint of vanilla ice cream

1 can pineapple juice

Be sure to have lots of washable markers in each child's goodie bag, and allow them to color some printed and copied coloring pages, while, one at a time, each child is allowed to have his photo taken with his favorite cardboard character, and allow them to take the photo home with them when they leave.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies (, using proper etiquette, and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free coloring sheets, printable games, and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Party Themes ( to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties is at the Party Theme Shop. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.

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Acid Reflux Home and Natural Remedies

Author: Yuri // Category: , ,

Here is a list of natural remedies that you can use when you have acid reflux or heartburn. Skip the antacids, which have unwanted side effects and contain aluminum, which has been associated with senility and Alzheimer's disease.

Anise, peppermint, and lavender

Pine Apples

Here's a tea that you can make to aid you with acid reflux or heartburn. It will help you lower the amount of acid you have in your stomach. Mix together equivalent amounts of aniseed, peppermint and lavender. Make an infusion of this tea:

- boiling 2 ½ cup distilled water - pour this water over a teaspoon of the herbal mixture - let this tea sit for 3- 5 minutes - strain the tea and add a little bit of honey if you like. - place this tea in a thermos

Drink up to 8 oz in the morning and 8 oz in the evening to get relief of acid reflux.

Aniseed or anise - is an effective herb that helps in digestive conditions and has many beneficial properties for your body. Use only the ash-colored anise called green anise, European anise or sweet anise. There are two different types of anise, star anise and caraway, which should not be used here.

Peppermint - is another effective herb for stomach conditions or heartburn. It aids in digestion, stomach distension, cramps, ulcers, and gas.

Lavender - famed for its scent has huge healing activity for your body. It is also a superb stomach aid. It is useful in reducing acid in the stomach.

Betain, Pepsin, and Papaya digestive enzymes

As you aged, your stomach gets weakens in its ability to produce hydrochloric acid to digest protein. It is undigested protein that can cause acid reflux or heartburn. Use digestive enzymes that contain Betain, pepsin, or HCl with each meal to make sure you digest all of your protein.

Papaya digestive enzymes, which contain papain, are also brilliant for protein digestion and you can use them with each meal. Use 500mg or more of papaya enzymes per meal.


Pineapples are a warehouse of enzymes and contain bromelain, an enzymes that reduces protein. Pineapples supports digestion, reduce inflammation, and supports wound healing. The fresh juice has a rich amount of enzymes that will help you stop your acid reflux.

Chicory Root

Chicory comes from a family of bitter herbs that contain endive and escarole. Boil 1 ½ cup of chicory root for 5 - 10 minutes. After it cools to room temperature, drink this tea to rectify acid reflux.


Cinnamon has many medicinal uses aside from being great for various pastries. It has an antiseptic effect and has been traditionally used for colds and flu's. It has fighting power against Candida albicans and has the ability to settle acidic stomachs.

Here's how to use cinnamon for an acid stomach or reflux:

·Toast raisin bread ·Butter the raisin bread ·Sprinkle cinnamon on the bread ·Sprinkle cardamon on the bread

When you consume this toasted bread, chew slowly and completely before swallowing to allow the digestive juices in your mouth to start breaking down this food.

Cardamon, which is found in India, has been used successful in treating Celiac disease, which is an intolerance to gluten found in most breads

Grapefruit Skins

Grapefruit is a great way to settle your acid reflux stomach with. Use only organic grapefruit for this remedy. Here's what to do:

·Grate the entire outer skin of an organic grapefruit ·Spread them out on a flat dish to dry ·Allow them to get crinkly dry ·Store them in a glass jar or zip lock bag

If you get an upset stomach, acid reflux or heartburn start chewing and eating these strips of dried grapefruit. These strips will settle out your stomach. Eat only a few of them and test to see how many you need.

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce can be used to eradicate an acid reflux or heartburn condition. This lettuce is rich in minerals and is highly alkaline.

Here's what you need to do:

Buy an organic romaine lettuce head ·Wash in distilled water ·Cut up the leaves and place them in a blender ·Add cold distilled water to make a slurry ·Add a slight amount of honey to give it taste

Drink a 4-8 oz to get relief from your acid reflux or acid stomach

Mace, Nutmeg, and Slippery Elm

Mace and nutmeg are natural remedies that have a history of treating indigestion, acid stomach, heartburn, acid reflux, stomach gas, and vomiting.

Here's how to use it with half and half and slippery elm root herb. Slippery elm herb can be brought from any herb store in powder.

- 1 teaspoon of slippery elm bark

- a pinch of nutmeg

- a pinch of mace

-add distilled water to make a smooth slurry

- heat a pint of half and half to boil

- pull half and half from stove and add herb slurry

- stir in herb slurry

Allow this mixture to cool. Drink up to ½ cup at a time. Store the unused portion in the refrigerator. When drinking the next cup, warm this mixture up.

Adding these herbs to your salad will also have benefits in preventing acid reflux. Eating those foods that are alkaline is the best way to avoid acid reflux and heartburn.

Using the remedies listed here will give relief from your acid reflux. More importantly, supplement with a salad to your diet everyday and you will have less acid reflux in your life.

Acid Reflux Home and Natural Remedies

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit acid reflux remedy to learn more about acid reflux signs and symptoms and acid reflux and alkaline diet.

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Choosing Fresh Fruit or Who Put the Worm in My Apple

Author: Yuri // Category:

Fresh fruit! Everybody likes fruit. Imagine biting into a crisp red apple, tantalizing your taste buds. How about tossing sweet , seedless grapes into your mouth, anticipating that satisfying pop!! with each bite. Then there is the ultimate fruit treat! Ice-cold watermelon, juice dripping down your chin and all over your hands. Is there a better feeling? Absolutely not.

Your taste buds are ready for that first bite of succulence. Yum! Absolutely delicious! But what is this...? Your smile is turning into a frown. That beautiful apple is mushy!! You dig further into your refrigerator for some grapes. What can go wrong here? Pucker, pucker. Sour, you say? And where did these seeds come from? You move onto that all-time favorite. The only thing wrong with watermelon is that once you put it into your refrigerator to chill, suddenly there is no room for anything else, with the possible exception of a tin of sardines. You excavate the refrigerator, digging for that melon with the juice of ambrosia. Cutting yourself a hunk, you take that first big bite, waiting for bliss. Hmm! You had better take a second bite. Oh, no! Guess what? You just bought 14 pounds of water and rind.

It's time for revenge! With the following list, you will be ready and able to properly choose FRESH fruit to titillate your tongue

Let's take a look at many of the most frequently eaten raw fruits. Included are bananas, apples, watermelons, oranges, cantaloupes, grapes, grapefruit, strawberries, peaches, pears, nectarines, honey dew melons, plums, avocado, lemons, pineapples, tangerines, sweet cherries, kiwifruit, and limes. It is fairly easy to judge the quality of most fruits by just looking at their external appearance.

Apples For snacking, try Red Delicious, McIntosh, Granny Smith, Empire, and Golden Delicious. Tart varieties such as Gravenstein, Grimes Golden, Jonathan, and Newton make good pies and applesauce. However, for baking, use the firmer-fleshed varieties such as Rome Beauty and Winesap.

When selecting apples, go for crisp, firm, and well-colored. Flavor depends on the stage of maturity at the time the fruit is picked. Make sure to select mature apples to insure good flavor, texture, and storing ability.

Avoid overripe apples (Fruit that yields to slight pressure on the skin, and soft, mealy flesh) and apples damaged by freeze (Internal breakdown and bruising). Taste will not be seriously affected by scald (irregularly shaped tan or brown areas).

Apricots Most fresh apricots are available in June and July. Apricots should do their maturing while on the tree and be firm to the touch when picked. Plump, golden orange, and juicy looking fruit should yield to gentle pressure. Avoid mushy fruit or hard, greenish yellow apricots.

Groves of Avocado trees in California and Florida make the fruit available all year. Two general types, with a number of varieties within these types, vary greatly in shape, size, and color. Most of them are pear-shaped. Some of the fruits have a rough or leathery textured skin while others are smooth. Most avocados are some shade of green but certain varieties turn maroon, brown, or purplish-black during the ripening process.

Avocados are ready to eat when slightly soft. It takes from 3 to 5 days at room temperature for "grocery store hard" avocados to ripen. Refrigeration slows ripening.

For immediate consumption, pick slightly soft avocados which yield to gentle pressure but for use later in the week, select fruits that are still firm to the touch.

Avoid avocados with dark sunken spots or cracked or broken surfaces. Avocado Cooking Tip: To avoid the browning of avocado flesh when it is exposed to the air, immediately place the exposed flesh in lemon juice until ready to use.

Bananas are best after harvesting. Available year-round and imported from Central and South America, bananas get injured in temperatures below 55º and should never be kept refrigerated. Ideally, bananas should be kept in an area that is between 60º and 70º.

Look for firm bananas with a bright skin and no bruises. When the solid yellow color is specked with brown, the banana has reached its best eating stage. Avoid bananas with green tips, bruised fruit, discolored skin, or a grayish, aged appearance.

Fresh Blueberries are available from May through September. Look for dark blue berries with a silvery coating. Purchase blueberries that are plump, firm, uniform in size, dry, and with no stems or leaves. Try to avoid soft, mushy blueberries.

Most sweet Cherries, excellent as a dessert fruit, come from the Western states and are available from May through August. Sour or pie cherries are used in cooked desserts and have a softer flesh, lighter red color, and a tart flavor.

Look for very dark color to indicate good flavor and maturity in sweet cherries. Bing, Black Tartarian, and Schmidt varieties should range in color from deep maroon or mahogany red to black for the richest flavor. Rainier cherries should be straw-colored. Look for bright, glossy, plump-looking surfaces and fresh-looking stems. Avoid cherries with soft, leaking flesh, an indication of decay.

Fresh Cranberries are available from September through January. Look for plump, firm berries with lustrous color. Avoid brown or dark, discolored berriesr.

Grapefruit are available all year, from Florida, Texas, California, and Arizona. Grapefruit are marketed as "seedless" (having few or no seeds) and "seeded." The color of the flesh is another distinction of the various varieties. Grapefruit is picked "tree ripe" and ready to eat.

The best tasting grapefruit are firm and heavy for their size. Thin-skinned fruits tend to be juicier than the coarse-skinned ones. Avoid fruit with soft, tender peel that breaks easily with finger pressure.

Most table Grapes are grown principally in California and Nevada. Common varieties are Thompson Seedless (an early, green grape), Red Seedless (an early, red grape), and Tokay (early, bright red, seeded grapes).

American-type grapes have softer flesh and more juice than the European varieties. The blue-black Concord has outstanding flavor. Delaware and Catawba are also popular varieties.

Look for well-colored, plump grapes firmly attached to the stem. Avoid soft or wrinkled grapes.

The Kiwifruit is fairly small. The pulp is bright green, slightly acid-tasting, and surrounded by many small, black, edible seeds, which in turn surround a pale heart. The exterior of the kiwifruit is light to medium brown and "furry" in texture. Most domestic kiwifruit is produced in California.

Look for kiwifruit that is plump and unwrinkled. It is fully ripe when it is yielding to the touch but not soft. Ripening can be speeded by leaving it for a few days at room temperature.

Special Note: Kiwifruit contains the enzyme actinidin which reacts chemically to break down proteins. Actinidin prevents gelatin from setting, so if you are planning to serve kiwifruit in a gelatin dish, cook the fruit for a few minute's before adding it to the gelatin.

Available year-round, most Lemons come from California and Arizona. Look for fruit with a rich yellow color, and fairly smooth-textured skin with a slight gloss. Lemons that are firm and heavy tend to be very juicy.

Limes come to market when they have matured. Like lemons, look for limes that have a glossy skin and heavy weight for their size.

Selecting Melons for quality and flavor can be difficult.

Cantaloupe are generally available from May to September. There are 3 major signs of full maturity in a cantaloupe: The stem should be totally gone, the veining should be thick, coarse, and corky, and the skin color between the veining should have changed from green to yellowish-buff, yellowish-gray, or pale yellow.
A cantaloupe might be mature, but not ripe. A ripe cantaloupe will yield slightly to light thumb pressure. It will have a yellowish cast to the rind and have an enticing cantaloupe aroma.

Many cantaloupes on display in the grocery are quite firm but most are not quite ready to eat. It is best to keep them at room temperature for 2 to 4 days to let them finish ripening.

A Casaba melon is sweet, juicy, and Pumpkin-shaped. The rind is hard and the stem must be cut when harvesting. Casaba melons are grown in California and Arizona and are available from July to November. Look for fruit with a gold-yellow rind color and slight softening at the blossom end. Casabas are aroma free!

The Crenshaw melon, a large fruit, has a rather smooth rind with very shallow lengthwise furrowing. The delicious flesh is pale orange and juicy. Crenshaws come from California July to October, with peak crops in August and September.

The crenshaw has three signs of ripening: a deep golden yellow rind; a surface that yields slightly to moderate pressure, and a pleasant aroma.

The Honey Dew melon is highly prized as a dessert fruit. Large (4 to 8 pounds), the fruit is bluntly oval in shape and generally very smooth. Depending upon the stage of ripeness, the rind is firm and ranges in color from creamy white to creamy yellow. A soft, velvety texture indicates maturity (ready to be picked) while ripeness (ready to be eaten) is indicated by a slight softening at the blossom end, a faint pleasant fruit aroma, and a rind a yellowish-white to creamy color.

Closely resembling cantaloupes, Persian melons are rounder and are about the size of honey dews. The Persian melon's flesh is thick, fine-textured, and orange in color. California supplies a fair number of these tasty melons in August and September.

Even though Watermelons can be found in groceries, to some degree, from early May to September, the peak harvest comes in June, July, and August. It is very difficult to judge the quality of a watermelon without cutting it in half or quartering it.

Look for a watermelon with firm, juicy flesh that is a good red color. The flesh should be free of white streaks and should have dark brown or black seeds. Small white immature seeds are normal for "seedless" watermelon. Avoid melons with pale-colored flesh, white streaks, and whitish seeds.

If you are brave enough to purchase an uncut watermelon, there are a few appearance factors that might be helpful (though not totally reliable). The melon surface should be relatively smooth; the rind should have a slight dullness; the ends of the watermelon should be filled out and rounded; and the "belly" of the watermelon should be a creamy color.

Nectarines, combining characteristics of both the peach and the plum, are available from June to September, from California. Look for plump, rich-colored fruit with a slight softening along its "seam". Nectarines that are firm or moderately hard to the touch should ripen in 2 to 3 days at room temperature.

Oranges are supplied year-round. The Washington Navel and the Valencia, both with a rich orange skin color, are leading varieties from California and Arizona. The Navel orange has a thicker, more pebbled skin than the Valencia. It has the advantages of its skin being more easily removed by hand and that the segments come apart more easily. The Navel is best for eating as a whole fruit or in segments in salads. The Western Valencia, well suited for either juicing or for slicing in salads. The Florida Temple is somewhat like the California Navel in easiness of peeling and separating into segments, along with excellent flavor.

Look for firm and heavy oranges with reasonably smooth, bright looking skin. Avoid light-weight oranges, which are likely to be dried out in its interior. These oranges tend to have very little juice.

There are many varieties of Peaches but it takes an expert to tell one variety from another. Peaches fall into two general types: freestone (flesh easily separates from the pit) and clingstone (flesh clings tightly to the pit). Freestones are generally consumed fresh or for freezing. Clingstones are used primarily for canning.

Look for peaches that are rather firm or becoming a bit soft. The skin color between the red areas should be yellow or creamy. Avoid fruit that has distinct green ground color or that is very soft.

California, Washington, and Oregon produce great quantities of Pears. The Bartlett pear is the most popular variety for canning and for eating fresh. Look for firm pears. Pears will probably ripen at room temperature but it is a good idea to pick pears that have already begun to soften to get good ripening.

Pineapples can be found at the grocery year around but are most plentiful from March to June. The come primarily from Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Mexico. Many pineapples are already fully colored when seen at the grocery but if necessary, a mature green pineapple should normally turn yellow to orange within a few days at room temperature.

Look for pineapples with bright color, a pleasant pineapple aroma, and a very slight separation of the eyes or pips (the fruitlets patterned in a spiral on the fruit core). When mature, pineapples are generally dark green, firm, plump, and heavy for their size. When fully colored, pineapples should be golden yellow, orange -yellow, or reddish brown.

Plums and Prunes have very similar quality characteristics and buying tips. Only a few varieties of prunes are marketed. Prunes are purplish-black or bluish-black. The flesh is moderately firm and separates easily from the pit. Look for plums and prunes with good color and are fairly firm to slightly soft.

Blackberries, Raspberries, Dewberries, Loganberries, and Youngberries may differ from one another in shape or color but they closely share quality factors. Look for a bright, clean appearance and uniform good color. The berries should be plump and tender. Avoid leaky and moldy berries.

The best Strawberry harvest is in May and June but lasts until the fall. Look for strawberries with shiny red color, firm flesh, and the cap stem still attached. Small to medium berries have the best taste. Try to avoid berries with large uncolored areas or with large seedy areas.

Tangerines come primarily from Florida but California, Arizona, and Texas provide large crops. Available from late November to early March, tangerines peak in December and January.

Look for deep yellow or orange color with a bright luster. Tangerines will frequently not feel firm to the touch due to the typically loose nature of tangerine peel.

Terry Kaufman is Chief Editorial Writer for,, and ©2006 Terry Kaufman. No reprints without permission.

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Fruit Allergies 101

Author: Yuri // Category:

It is a catch 22; you eat more fruits to live a healthy lifestyle then you discover that you are allergic to certain fruits, well if that don't beat all. So you try to eat healthy and learn that it is actually causing a reaction in you, now what do you do.

So how exactly do you tell which fruits are causing the reaction and which one are not. There are certain ones that are known to cause reactions in people. These include bananas, strawberries, cherries and pineapples to name a few.

Pine Apples

In people who are prone to allergies involving fruit the most common reaction is one that is called a oral allergy. This means that the symptoms that a person experiences are related to the mouth. These symptoms include swelling of the lips, tongue, throat as well a itching and tingling. In the spring time when pollen is active people who suffer from fruit allergies are affected when the trees begin to pollinate. More severe symptoms include vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, and on rare occasions, life threatening anaphylactic reactions such as swelling of the throat, wheezing, and trouble breathing. Bananas can sometimes cause anaphylaxis.

In addition you need to know that many of the symptoms of fruit allergies are caused by the skin of the fruit. Another factor that will determine how allergenic a fruit fruit may be is the ripeness. A fruit that has recently been picked will be less reactive than one that was picked and stored for weeks.

So one thing that you will need to do is to try and pick a fruit ore it fully ripens and peel it afterward. If this does not work then stop eating the fruit and consult with your doctor immediately.

So exactly how does one go about treating the symptoms that are associated with fruit allergies and still live a healthy lifestyle? One way is to cook the fruits that are in question. Many times fruits are a problem when they are in their raw state. For example, a person who suffers a allergy to apples. The will still be able to drink apple juice because the apples have been processed to rid the fruit of the chemicals that cause a reaction.

Now the best thing that you can do is to just avoid the fruit all together as this will be the best way to avoid an unwanted reaction. These reactions are not always severe, in fact many of them are more of a inconvenience then it is an actual health risk.

As you can see reactions to fruit are easy to control as long as you take some precautions beforehand and exercise caution when dealing with fruits.

Fruit Allergies 101

For more information about Allergic Reactions, Chemical Reactions, and Alcohol Reactions visit

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Fruit Platters As Holiday Centerpieces - Tips and Tricks

Author: Yuri // Category: , , ,

During celebrations and parties, the decorations and accessories you use to make the room festive are really important. If you want decors that catch your visitors' eyes, while filling the stomach at the same time, consider a fruit platter as your centerpiece for occasions such as Thanksgiving, New Year, Christmas, etc.

Whether or not the party is supposed to be casual or more on the fancier side, edible fruit arrangements will surely suit your décor and dessert needs. By using fruit platters as centerpieces, you will surely be hitting two birds in one stone. The most common way of arranging a fruit platter as a centerpiece is to make use of vases, bowls, as well as other attractive containers then fill them up with whole fruits e.g. limes, strawberries, and many more. The said arrangements will without doubt add color to any event. In case there are leftovers, you may make shakes or juices from the remaining fruits after the party.

Here are other ideas on how you can come up with stunning fruit arrangements that will help your party in becoming the talk of the town:

In between the whole fruits that you place inside vases, it is a good idea to insert flowers, whether plastic or the real deal, to add to the attractiveness and pops of color. It is also necessary that you think about which flowers will match or complement the colors provided by your chosen fruits. For example, the yellow color of lemons will definitely be in harmony with white tulips, roses, or lilies.

Instead of just filling a vase with flowers, why not arrange fruits in a way that they form the shape of a bouquet of flowers? In this way, you'll have not only a striking centerpiece, but also edible fruit arrangements that the guests will not only have fun looking at, but also be delighted in having a taste. To be able to make 'fruit flowers' instead of serving just a plain fruit platter to guests, place the so called 'florist's foam' inside a big enough container, slice your fruits, then insert sticks into them, afterward, insert those sticks into the florist's foam. You may also dip those fruits first in chocolate for more tasty treats.

Another great idea is for you to make use of the so called fruit platter cascading design which is a type of centerpiece that is dependent upon the layering of fruits on a striking platter. It is best to use assorted fruits like pineapples, strawberries, oranges, etc. You just have to pile and layer everything on the platter then complete your edible fruit arrangements with dips e.g. yogurt dips, chocolate dips, and the likes. It is ideal to place your cascading fruit platters on the center where guests can immediately see them and take some delightful fruit to munch on all throughout the party.
When creating edible fruit arrangements or filling out a fruit platter, remember too, that it is very much recommended to make use of fruits that are in season. For Thanksgiving celebrations, for example, apples are highly suggested. For Christmas parties, cranberries as well as oranges will be good fruits to use in your centerpiece.

Whatever be the occasion, Orchardfruit has a wide collection of gourmet gift baskets, fruit platter and delicious gifts that is not just appetizingly inviting, but is also visually and economically alluring!

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Natural Wrinkle Remover - Nutrients to Eliminate Fine Lines

Author: Yuri // Category: , , , ,

As most people know only too well, wrinkles on the face are lines that develop as one ages. They are usually due a combination of many factors, which can include common facial movements that are repeated for years, dryness, smoking, overuse of astringents, overzealous scrubbing of the face, and, most importantly, unprotected overexposure to the sun.

These are the extrinsic aging factors-changes we bring on ourselves due to our lifestyle choices. Deep wrinkles are most often caused by excessive chronic sun exposure. Deep wrinkles around the lips also develop with long-term smoking. 

Pine Apples

Intrinsic aging is a function of genetic inheritance and advancing age. As we get older, our skin loses its small blood vessels, reducing the blood supply that nourishes it. Meanwhile, oil and sweat glands produce less sebum and perspiration. Some hair follicles shrink, leaving us with less hair. With time, skin gets thinner and loses some of the supporting collagen that had made it firm, plump, and able to hold moisture. Oxidative (free radical) damage causes the formation of insoluble collagen, which is inelastic and unable to absorb water well, and does not plump up. With the loss of moisture, lines and wrinkles form. We do not usually find these changes cosmetically pleasing.

Fortunately, there are many conventional and alternative ways to prevent and treat wrinkling of the skin.


The following oral supplements are recommended to protect against harmful oxidation and to slow the wrinkling process:

A high-potency multivitamin and mineral complex. Take this daily.

Beta-carotene complex. Take 50,000 international units a day.  

Vitamin C with bioflavonoids. Take 500 to 1,000 milligrams three times a day

Vitamin E. Take 400 to 800 international units a day Selenium. Take 100 to 200 micrograms a day. Consuming foods and supplements rich in vitamins A, C, and E is important, but topical application of creams containing forms of these vitamins, plus the natural hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) can be much more effective. For example, using a 10-percent topical vitamin-C product allows you to get approximately thirty times the level of vitamin C to the top layer of wrinkled skin as compared with ingesting megadoses of vitamin C. The following topical antioxidant vitamin and supplement creams are excellent for the treatment and prevention of wrinkles: 

Ten-percent vitamin-C lotion. Apply this daily. Be careful, as not all preparations of topical vitamin C are effective; the vitamin C must be converted to the L-ascorbic acid form of the vitamin. Cellex-C and C Scape Serum are two products that have been shown to produce a marked decrease in the appearance of wrinkles with regular use.  

Five-percent vitamin-E cream. Apply this daily  

Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) cream. Apply this daily. Studies have shown that this antioxidant can decrease the depth of facial wrinkles noticeably after just one month of daily use.  

DHEA cream. Apply this daily. 

Herbs for wrinkles

Most natural antiwrinkle creams work either as antioxidants that mop up damaging free radicals or as emollients that moisturize and soften the skin and reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles.   

Topical preparations made from fruit acids, or alpha-hydroxy acids, have been successfully used to fight fine wrinkling. Glycolic acid is one commonly used fruit acid. You can also go directly to the source, using the inside of a lemon, lime, papaya peel, or pineapple peel to gently smooth over your skin in the evening before going to bed. These fruits naturally contain alpha-hydroxy acids that slough off dead skin cells, revealing fresh new skin cells underneath.

Herbs such as calendula, fennel, horsetail, and licorice are added to skin- care preparations, as they stimulate the skin cells and make the skin appear younger.  

Carrot, horse chestnut, and rosemary are antioxidants that can be added to topical preparations to help reverse fine wrinkling.

Cocoa butter is a major emollient used in antiwrinkle skin lotions and cosmetics, especially for dry, wrinkled skin around the eyes, the corners of the mouth, and the neck.

Coconut, almond, avocado, and olive oil are other emollients that can help reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles.

Many cosmetics contain combinations of vitamins and herbal products. Provitamin B5, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, glycolic acid, alphahydroxy acid, beta-hydroxy acid, and papaya are now being included in all kinds of cleansers, toners, moisturizers, sunscreens, and cosmetics produced by many different manufacturers.

Natural Wrinkle Remover - Nutrients to Eliminate Fine Lines

Charles Silverman N.D., a Naturalist and Herbalist since 1979, is the author of the Home Made Medicine e-book and the Web site. Charles lives in Miami, FL and has dedicated a major part of his life to teach people how to prepare their own natural remedies and natural products to treat virtually any disease. He has traveled around the world from Canada, Germany, France, and India to the mountains of Peru and Argentina (South America) researching and studying the different domestic species of herbs and plants. Now you he wants you to have all of his secretes and knowledge in his amazing e-book and Newsletter. Sing up now for a free report and learn how to treat three of the most common illnesses naturally and without chemical drugs: Subscribe Now.

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Fruit Baskets Make Great Corporate Gifts

Author: Yuri // Category: ,

It might seem like an easy chore on the surface, but picking out gifts to give corporate clients is actually never as simple as it appears. The things to consider can be mind-boggling and considering the wrong choice might just offend a client, the need to be cautious is always present. This is where a fruit basket can come into play.

Finding the right fruit basket for corporate clients, fortunately, isn't as difficult as coming up with a gift idea in the first place. There are a number of companies all over the world that specialize in some pretty creative baskets and many of them can be accessed right over the Internet. Some companies will even allow their clients to custom order baskets with special requests included.

Here are some ideas for great fruit baskets to give corporate clients:

* Tropical baskets. If your clients are from colder climates in particular, these little tastes of the tropics are generally quite appreciated. Fruits inside can include such things as kiwi, bananas, strawberries, oranges, mangoes and more. These baskets can be jazzed up even more with the addition of tropical drink mixes, if appropriate, tropical flavored candies, flowers and so on.

* Northern fruit. Grapes, apples, cranberries, blueberries and more are the signature fruits of northern climates. Tastes of fall that are much appreciated the world over, these baskets can even include such favorites as maple syrup, wine and more to add a signature touch.

* Florida favorites. A Florida fruit basket, of course, should include oranges, but it can also include such other things as grapefruit, strawberries and key limes. These little limes found almost exclusively in the Florida Keys are known for the fantastic tasting pies they can make. Jazzing up Florida fruit baskets can be achieved with such additions as jellies and jams, wines and more.

* Hawaiian fruit baskets. Mango, pineapples, coconuts and more can make a basket based on this theme a real hit. Adding a signature touch to a Hawaiian basket can be a real blast, too. Some companies consider such things as special candy, jams, wines, chocolates and more.

Fruit baskets can be seen as pretty generic gifts, but considering the fact they can often be tailored to meet a company's needs, there's no reason to think one size has to fit all. Fruit baskets offer their buyers a number of advantages, too:

* Neutrality. This is important, especially over the holidays. It's hard for a company to keep track of every client and their personal observances, so fruit baskets are a good choice for a heart felt, but none specific gift over the holidays.

* Variety. The number of fruits that can be included in a basket is pretty amazing. From tropical pineapples and oranges to grapes, berries and beyond, baskets can be real taste tempters.

* Modifications. Baskets are pretty easy to add special touches to, as well. They can be customized for each customer with the basic fruit remaining the same. If, for example, one client loves wines and another is a chocolate nut, those additions can be made accordingly in many locations.

* Pre-made choices that are fantastic. Many companies that create custom baskets also offer some preset choices, which generally are pretty spectacular.

Whether you want to create something unique or go with a standard basket, the choice is up to you.

Copyright (c) 2006

Aaron Vaughn writes about fruit gifts and you can find more information and innovations about fruit gifts at the website Fruit Gifts Now

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The Awesome City of Tagaytay in the Philippines

Author: Yuri // Category: , ,

The different types of persons who visit the place are picnickers, adventurers, tourists and religious people. There are many different places to explore in the City for different types of person. Most local people visit the place especially during summer vacation because of its cool climate.

Taal Volcano is known as the smallest active Volcano In the world. However, many people don't know that Taal volcano is one of the largest volcanoes all over the world, but now, it became smaller many years had passed. This smallest volcano is surrounded by lake known as the Taal Lake.

Pine Apples

Hotel accommodations in the area are vast especially during special occasions. Some are celebrating their birthdays and some are their weddings. Some are conducting seminars and conferences.

Picnic Grove where you can rent cottages and benches to enjoy your meal or snack. Also, there are stores and some souvenir items inside the grove. Horse back riding is a thrilling adventure for beginners. However, for people who are professional enough on this activity, it is like a hobby.

There are a lot of famous restaurants where fine dining is expected. However, the foods are expensive and only people with good budget can avail of the big price. Also, there are restaurants wherein you can avail of low cost foods.

Spectacular Casinos where most rich people play. For them, playing in the casino is a form of relaxing.

Most photographers visit the place because they can take a full shot in different angles of the beautiful views of the City.

The best leisure activity for children is to play in the Class-A playgrounds designed especially for children. Zoo is also expected for children to see different kinds of animals.

Moreover, sports like golf and skating are also available. Fabulous golf courses at Tagaytay Highlands International Golf Club, Inc. and skating rails to add up for young and old.

The Palace in the Sky is actually on top of the mountain that is fully developed and now it is called as People's Park In The Sky. There are flat and cemented ways to lead you to the Park. Inside the Park, you can see a lot of activities also and a nice panoramic views. There are souvenir shops where you can buy different shirts with prints of People's Park In The Sky.

In the hill, a flower farm where there are various kinds of beautiful flowers. Fruit stands near the highways are too many to choose from where you can buy fresh fruits. You can see a lot of different fruits especially pineapples because there are pineapple plantations in the city.

A boat trip to taal volcano is highly recommended. They can tour you around the rim of the volcano. You can almost boil an egg there. It's really a meaningful adventure to all.

There are convents and retreat houses near the People's Park In the Sky. They say, if you are in high places, you are closer to heaven. Maybe, that is the reason why there are many devotees and pilgrims visit the place.

Visiting the place is worth it especially when you want a nice and peaceful place to stay for a while and give yourself a relaxing ambiance to eliminate stress. It's a pleasant place, secure and safe.

The Awesome City of Tagaytay in the Philippines

Visit Tagaytay City in the Philippines to see the beauty of the place? Click here,

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Pineapples Facts and Fun

Author: Yuri // Category:

What a sweet treat is ripe pineapple! Juicy fun with a tropical twist, it's no wonder it's such a popular fruit for snacking, desserts and refreshing drink recipes.

Where did Pineapple come from?

The origin of pineapple can be traced to Paraguay and southern Brazil then through South America, finally landing in the Caribbean. Good ole Columbus discovered it on his travels and brought it back to Europe. After that, the Spanish introduced it to Zimbabwe, Guam and the Philippines. In 1813 it was introduced to Hawaii and by 1892, the exportation of canned pineapple had begun.

What are the different types of Pineapple?

There are hundreds of pineapple varieties, the most popular one being Smooth Cayenne. Behind that, we have Red Spanish pineapples whose harder, more durable skin make it great for shipping, Sugar Loaf pineapples which are heavy and larger than other types and Golden Supreme, which are sweeter due to a lower acidic content.

Nutrition and Serving Suggestions:

Pineapple contains some healthy, nutritional goodies for your body. While rich in Vitamin C, it boasts being the fruit highest in the essential nutrient, manganese as well as having lovely digestive enzymes.

As far as storage and serving, you'll want to keep your pineapple out of the refrigerator and on the counter instead. Left to its own devices, it'll ripen further just from sitting around, though it can take a while and if you're not vigilant, pineapple can easily become over-ripe. One trick to help it ripen quicker is to sit it upside-down on the leafy end.

Interesting Pineapple Facts:

You can actually grow your very own! Just take a pineapple, twist the crown off, let it dry for 2-3 days and plant it. How fun is that? Also, the "trash" component of pineapple (the rind, core and ends) are used for making vinegar, animal feed and alcohol, so nothing goes to waste at the factory. As far as health interactions, pineapples should be avoided by hemophiliacs or those suffering from liver or kidney disease, as it can interfere with blood coagulation.

Share the health by sending edible fruit baskets next time you need a unique and clever gift for friends and family. Or go one better and enroll them in a Fruit Of The Month Club - a unique gift that keeps on giving.

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Tinnitus Remedy - How to Stop Ringing in Ears

Author: Yuri // Category: , ,

Tinnitus is a very annoying disease. A person suffering from it desperately looks for ways to control this problem. Tinnitus can be very frustrating and greatly disturbs your daily life. Consulting your family doctor will do no good as he will give you several medicines which may not be of any help to you. So what you need to do is to find a good tinnitus remedy to stop the ringing in your ears. There are several tinnitus remedies available. These remedies are 100% natural and will not show any side effects. Below you will discover some common remedies used to cure tinnitus.

There are several herbal formulations available on the market which are very effective in curing tinnitus. One example of the herbal tinnitus remedy is the hawthorn leaf. It cures tinnitus by purifying your blood and removing any infection present in your ears.

Pine Apples

One tasty tinnitus remedy is to eat pineapples. This will decrease the amount of inflammation caused due to tinnitus. Increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables to your diet will also help to a large extent. Fruits and vegetables increase the blood circulation and so reducing the buzzing in the ears. Garlic can also be used to help in this case and remember to use as little salt as possible because higher salts level can build up fluids in your ears and possibly initiate tinnitus.

Avoiding stresses also help to reduce the affect of tinnitus. Stress is a major reason of tinnitus. So try to relax your mind and body. Doing exercise or involving oneself in some activities will help to cure tinnitus. Relaxing yourself is an important tinnitus remedy and is effective in most cases where stress is the cause of tinnitus.

Tinnitus Remedy - How to Stop Ringing in Ears

There is a sure fire way to Gain Dramatic Relief In As Little As 7 Days and that is guaranteed to get rid of tinnitus within 2 months. If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to tinnitus or ringing in your ears then this is the most important message you will ever read - Click Here Now!

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Make a Hawaiian Luau Craft Necklace for Your Party Guests

Author: Yuri // Category: , ,

A Hawaiian luau is a fairly festive event, mostly famous for ham and pineapples. It's not hard to see why you've chosen to hold one. Now, all you need is some kind of crafting project to tide over the guests while the food finishes cooking.

One of the easiest craft projects for a festive party like this is to make a beaded necklace, so I'd recommend making Hawaiian leis. The ingredients are fairly easy to come by, virtually any crafting store that you come across is going to have more than enough beads and string for any number of guests and designs that you could come up with. Although you could always go the traditional style and use flowers to make yours.

Now the method for making these is quite simple, first you'll need to come up with the design for your lei. Such as color scheme, number of small beads to large beads, if you intend to use flowers, etc. Alternatively, it can sometimes be fun to just make it up as you go along; nothing says you have to have a plan.

You'll want to make sure that your string for the lei is long enough to go around your neck and still have plenty of leeway for tying together at the ends. Finally you simply string the beads together and tie the ends of the tread together, you may want to use some glue to either hold the last beads in place or to hold the knot on the string together. Otherwise there is a chance the beads will go flying everywhere if the knot comes undone.

If you want to use some flowers, you'll need to put a hole through them to string them together. However, you should remember that unless you use dried flowers, they will wither and die on the lei. "

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino takes a common sense approach to planning and organizing events, celebrations and holiday parties with unique ideas for luau party supplies and fun luau party games She explains proper etiquette and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Hut has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free holiday printable games and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Themes including luau Party Supplies to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.

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Importance Of Having A Pineapple Corer Appliance In Your Kitchen

Author: Yuri // Category: , , , ,

Currently, no one should continue struggling with pineapple preparation tasks. The advent of technology has lead to the development of a pineapple corer. Those who have already discovered it can easily host a pineapple feast. A corer is a small apparatus that helps you to detach edible parts of a fruit and its core or outer skin. You no longer have to use a knife to peel this delicious fruit as it causes wastage.

Simply add a slicer to your kitchen appliance collection and you will not regret doing it. If your worry is how much money you will have to pay for it, it is not necessary. With several gadgets ranging between nine and thirty dollars, any family can afford one. Compared to the years of service a pineapple cutter could offer you, this money is negligible. Furthermore, it will save plenty of your time that you could certainly spend doing other things. Just so you know a high quality pineapple corer can finish a job in thirty seconds.

Pine Apples

An ordinary knife efficiency levels are almost incomparable to this. Thus, a slicer is a must have kitchen accessory for every household. Even if your family does not consume pine apples often, one day you will find a proper use for your corer. To be specific, you will find it very essential if you have guests coming over. In addition, a cutter is always an amazing appliance for any serious chef. Within a few minutes, a slicer could get recipe rings ready and help make your cooking a success.

In case you do not host tropical themed feast often, perhaps one of your friends does. Did you know that corers make perfect gift ideas? Literally, these are simple looking devices, but they could mean a whole lot more to your friends. So you should not hesitate to buy a lovely gadget for them. In truth, buying a pineapple corer will benefit your family and you a lot. It is user-friendly, as all you have to do is to cut the top and bottom parts of the fruit. Then, push this hand-held gadget into the fruit's interior until you reach its bottom.

It will help you remove the edible flesh as much as possible. In addition, it will help you create lovely pineapple rings or slices. Note that these rings will appear accurate and uniformly sized. Achieving similar results with a knife is almost next to impossible. Would you like to save your time? If you are a busy mum, dad or single person, then time is very important to you. A pine apple slicer is all you need to save some of your precious time.

If you want to believe it, simply search online for customer reviews. Usually, previous customers write reviews to share their experiences with use of a given product. You need to read them so that you can distinguish between reliable and unreliable models. Although these are cheap gadgets, avoid dealings with untrustworthy vendors. It is possible to find a pineapple corer of your choice online. Simply take enough time to select.

Importance Of Having A Pineapple Corer Appliance In Your Kitchen

Eating pineapples is a healthy habit to develop. However, everyone knows that cutting and coring this fruit can be challenging. A Pineapple Corer can help you enjoy preparing these delicious fruits.

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How to Make a Carp Paste Bait With Natural Banana and Pineapple Flavours!

Author: Yuri // Category: , , ,

Winter is a great time to make and use your own cheap pastes and using natural ingredients ensures you get all the potent bioactive goodies like live enzymes, bioflavonoids, essential oils and many important flavour components etc to work for you in your bait - so read on for more now on how to do it yourself!

It is so easy to make a simple effective paste that it surprises me how many carp anglers either have never done it or have only done it long ago in the paste and then forgotten how cheap, totally unique and very effective they can be! When I was about 6 years old I made my first carp bait. This paste or dough bait had a reputation for being good and my fishing friends got to make it and use it along with me. All this bait consisted of was a tub of complete readymade custard powder with enough added milk and water to form a dough that would hold onto the hook. These kind of simple baits were usually made quite hard so they lasted longer as they were quite soluble.

This instant carp bait was not as simple as it might first appear however and had many factors and effects that many modern baits have. The main attractor was vanilla flavour and in some brands the flavour actually did contain vanilla oleoresin which is the basis of one of the most popular flavours in human history and used in chocolate and all kinds of various other flavours and uses etc. Again as in many of my other articles, I refer to the fact that this product is released as a result of natural processes, in the case of natural vanilla, the natural fermentation of vanilla pods.

The base of the custard powder I used years ago was corn starch, which bound up very well with a range of liquids such as milk and water very well. Custard powders usually contain a lot of sugar, and being water soluble, the bait gave off lots of attraction to carp and is still in use today as an instant bait.

As carp anglers today seem to be mad on following fashions more than ever I thought it would be interesting to go into just one instant method of making a homemade bait using natural pineapple and banana as these are 2 very popular flavours today. Just like the old custard recipe you could actually simply use some very finely mashed up fruit and custard powder to bind it together. I would choose the ripest real pineapple and the ripest blackest banana to make the bait.

The fermentation processes going on in the ripened mature fruit will ensure a huge amount of natural acids to attract the fish (among other factors,) and the fruits will provide many direct and indirect nutritional benefits too including live enzymes, sugars, inulin flavonoids, oils etc. I have been much more into raw food diets and detoxifying regimes, probiotic and prebiotic foods and so on, not to lose weight, but to boost health, vitality, disease resistance, boost over all energy levels and brain function, to boost the heart, liver, blood circulation and the ability to regulate the acid - alkali levels in the body etc which all contribute to keeping the body young and working at peak efficiency.

I used to miss the awesome connections between various health and diet regimes and carp bait design. One interesting aspect is how many acidic or acid-effect forming foods are really excellent carp baits and ingredients and additves etc. One pertinent point is that wheat is the most acid-forming food. In fact high protein milk derivatives and fractions for example, and various fish meals, especially produced using acids to pre-digest them, are very attractive and stimulating to carp.

Milk sugar too has significant impacts as in carp it lowers the pH of the digestion substrate around it and appears to improve digestion of high protein ingredients etc. Personally I find just the smell and taste of extra-sweetened or pure milk sugar addictive!

I you want to make more resilient pastes many substances will do this and at the same time add a wide range of additional practical and nutritional benefits making pastes even more attractive - especially in the cold of winter, but any time of year.

I have few qualms about what I make paste from as the only aim is to get bites and in cold weather any bites are a bonus. For cheaper pastes the base is usually a carbohydrate carrier. I have been making milk gluten-free fruit pies over Christmas some with mine meat and some with banana and other fruits. Starting the day off with fresh grapefruit is great, but having pineapple and orange chunks is a breathtaking change if you are not into fruit and subsist on wheat based cereals and wheat based bread and toast for instance! Imagine all those readymade baits containing hard wheat (semolina) and the potential successful impacts of using alternative binders instead!)

On the home baking shelves in super markets you can find all kinds of things to try out including corn starch, rice flour, ground and powdered nuts plus some unique flavours which are not based on ascetic acid and water but natural oils for example. Why not try some of the mint, and chocolate and citrus ones together?!

Lemon juice is a well proven additive. Although acidic it has an alkaline-forming effect on the blood in humans which is very healthy. Related to this, I believe this kind of effect is part of its attraction to carp too besides having a healthy ascorbic acid content which has effects such as helping in detoxifying the liver (which is something I know is of great importance internally in carp!) Lemon is a particularly acidic ingredient which must have further digestion implications and benefits in the lower pH digestion in carp assisting natural and microbial digestive enzyme activity on baits.

I have been doing quite a bit of home baking recently, partly as a result of being snowed in and partly just to be creative to make something new, unique, fresh, tasty and healthy that cannot be bought in the shops!

Having just made another pie batch and tasting fresh pie reminded me of just how incredibly tangy fresh banana is when mixed with various mixtures - and how moorish it is! Saying that, making your own pastry is very interesting because if you sample it as you go it tastes great too - and that is obviously a good indicator that the baked pie will be well worth making!

Pastry mix is an old general fishing bait that has been used for all kinds of fish for decades, and can very easily be boosted or flavoured and so on. I prefer to make homemade pastry as this simple act really can remind you or teach you quite a lot about making baits for big carp with just a bit of imagination and applied thinking about natural carp feeding triggers, analogues of attractors and so on.

In my case I was trying out a readymade no-egg type of product primarily consisting of potato starch. Making baits without eggs for winter is also a very interesting area and such baits are much more digestible and perform really well in the cold. This no-egg product was used to form the pie filling, which in my last batch consisted of chopped pecan nuts, mashed ripe banana, raw molasses, various spices and a little sea salt. Fennel seed powder (rather reminiscent of aniseed) is a great little product for improving digestion and imparting quite different tastes etc to pies - and carp baits too!

If you are afraid of making your very own homemade baits it is a really good idea to start with making bread or pastry and make your own goodies that you can enjoy and learn lots about the art and science of bait-making along the way.

If you are intending to keep a new year promise to lose more weight then home baking is a great idea because you can do it without butter, without eggs and without milk, and drastically cut your intake of refined sugar, which in my opinion is as much of a problem as anything you might have heard about saturated fats or excessive cereal carbohydrate intakes like that of wheat (that seems to be in everything these days!)

If you want to make a really alternative nutritional flavouring, perhaps try fast-steaming finely chopped carrot, spinach, beetroot and broccoli and liquidise these to form a concentrate. I will leave it to you to discover how sweet, betaine-rich, mineral rich and other bioactives-rich such a liquid is. Maybe from your home baking you will also discover creative ways of exploiting oleoresin-rich vanilla pods in your carp baits (Carp really love all those tiny black power-packed black seeds!) (For much more information see my website and biography right now!)

By Tim Richardson.

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: "BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!" "BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!" And "BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!" For these and much more now visit: the home of the world-wide proven homemade bait making and readymade bait success secrets bibles!

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