Fruit salad

Author: Yuri // Category:

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The origin of the fruit salad is the 19th century, when it was included in the menu of many different countries. A fruit salad is a dish from a variety of fruit with a sauce or syrup served in their own included. A fruit salad is usually served as dessert. And 'served as an appetizer called a fruit cocktail. Acting as a fruit cocktail, it is often prepared in an alcohol and sugar served.

The fruits, which are part of a fruit salad countriesCountry. This is determined by seasonal availability of fruits and where they grew up. fruit salad often contain apples, pineapple, pear, cherries, grapes, kiwis, peaches and oranges.

A fruit salad is a nutritious dish that offers lots of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. It 's a wonderfully refreshing dish that provides quick energy.

The fruit salad has many variations, depending on the taste preferences of this country. In Northern Irelandfruit salad with mayonnaise served in Europe. Countries like Malaysia and Indonesia have preferred a more pungent flavor. There are other variants with yogurt or sour cream served. A very common and popular for a fruit salad with ice cream in India. Fruit salad can be prepared with fresh fruit and canned. It has developed into a very popular dish satisfy both criteria of nutritional value and taste.

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