Citric Acid Intolerance and Allergy

Author: Yuri // Category: , ,

One of the tasteless features of the "Food Allergy" scene is the large amount of citizen who easily self diagnose an allergy whenever they have a reaction to a food or group of foods. Man who cannot tolerate bread will jump to the end that they are gluten intolerant or allergic without holding a food diary to check to see if this is naturally a coincidence or going to an Allergist for an allergy test. In many forums folks are claiming and complaining that they have a Citric acid allergy.

Citric acid is a naturally occurring blend that occurs in citrus fruits and vegetables. Citric acid itself is at the heart of our basic energy producing machinery in our cells in a series of reactions called the Citric Acid Cycle. And in practical terms citric acid is a preservative.

Pine Apples

We find citric acid in citrus fruits where it is gift at up to 8% by weight. This group includes lemons limes and oranges. Other fruit consist of all the types of berries such as strawberries and raspberries but not apparently blueberries. Two other favorite fruit with citric acid are pineapples and tomatoes.

Why the acidity of these fruit produces symptoms of hurt and worse is not clear. The condition and integrity of the walls of the stomach and intestines are crucial for the digestion and assimilation of our food. In expanding the varieties of bacteria living naturally and indubitably helpfully in our gut conduce a lot to our condition and nutrition. Disruption to this complex system can occur by lack of single nutrients as well as by damage from single foods or toxins from microorganisms or from alcohol.

Whatever the fancy is for the intolerance to citric acid foods a food diary is a good first step. Just by holding a report of one's food and also mood and energy level patterns can be spotted more easily. For example a feeling of exhaustion after eating a single food can alert one to the possibility of an allergy or intolerance of the food. We can then plan our meals around that fact.

Some times this can be harder to spot.

Folks who eat out a lot have less control over and data about the food they eat. A cafeteria who buys some or all of their meals ready elsewhere may not have full data about the food to furnish you with even if you ask them.

Many food allergy and intolerance problems can be an occasion in disguise. Instead of about it as a healing problems and a burden if we can think of it as an occasion to come to be more aware of what we eat and how it is ready we can take our encounter with food intolerance and allergy as a studying experience.

Citric Acid Intolerance and Allergy

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