The Pineapple Express - Natural Phenomenon

Author: Yuri // Category: , , ,

People along the western coast of North America are subjected to a wide range of weather meteorological phenomenon ranging from sun, clouds, rain, hail and snow usually in predictable patterns through seasons. However, with global warming, new, more frightening weather events have started to make a presence around the world ranging from torrential rainfalls to drought to hurricanes and tornadoes.

The Pacific Coast of North America is famed for its mild weather, rain and mountainous locales - recently however it has become home to an unwelcome visitor, the Pineapple Express. Also known as the Pineapple Connection, the Express is a meteorological phenomenon with much atmospheric moisture leading to heavy rainfall which is brought northwards from the Hawaiian Islands. This occurs only on the Pacific Coast of North America and is named as such for the Island's bounty of pineapples grown throughout the year.

Pine Apples

The Pineapple Express for many has been the source of inconvenience, wet weather over a span of a few days and danger. The sudden burst of heavy and continuous rain has burst dams, caused waterways to overflow and major floods such as the 1952 Central California Flooding, 1964 Pacific Northwest Flood and the 1996 Willamette Valley Flood which caused millions of dollars of damage and the loss of several lives. 2006 was an especially difficult year as areas ranging from Puget Sound along Washington and British Columbia, Canada to Alaska were hard hit with severe flooding and a record rainfall of over 350 millimeters.

The Pineapple Express is a strong southern branch of the Polar Jet stream with a frontal boundary moving at such a slow pace (or not even at all) with waves of low pressure emanating from it. These low pressure systems are the main culprits of heavy rainfall. Along the coastline there is large volumes of rainfall, however, in British Columbia, Canada, the higher elevations see high volumes of snowfall quickly followed by rapid melting at the warmer temperatures from the Hawaiian Islands are also brought with the Pineapple Express phenomenon.

Sometimes dropping a small volume of rainfall along the Pacific Coastline of North America, the Pineapple Express has also been known to double the average monthly rainfall of the area in a matter of days. Satellite photos of the Pineapple Express stretching across the western hemisphere is awe inspiring image of this impressive phenomenon which occurs only a few times a year.

The Pineapple Express - Natural Phenomenon

I enjoy writing articles on a wide variety of subjects, my current focus is on healing back pain using streach inversion tables, making fresh pressed fruit juice, Canoeing in Canada and interesting Natural or Scientific occurrences.

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