Prevention of kidney disease

Author: Yuri // Category: , ,
Of course, in the human body, in principle, no less important organs. However, the significance of the kidneys is worth special mention. Kidney - this is, above all, a powerful filter. They deal with all toxins, germs, infections that enter the body. If the liver breaks down all harmful substances, the kidneys, then they are filtered from the blood and conclusions. Everyone knows that the slightest illness are required to appoint a urine test - on her very easy to determine the status of the whole organism.
Work kidney
Kidneys many times during the day is pumped through a whole of our blood (per minute - about 1 liter), selecting it from the decay products, toxins and wastes, dead and not quite dead microbes, and together with blood plasma sent to this solution to ureters on to the bladder, where they are displayed all the known method. Once in the ureter, toxins, infection and decay products can not get back into the kidney - the road closes the valve, which should open in one direction only.
During the day, passes through the kidneys more than two hundred gallons of blood, and from the dirty and intoxicated, she turns into a clean and re-washing of ready-to every cell of our body.
In order to resist germs, remove toxins and infections, kidney should have a huge reserve of strength and power. Not by chance that a person two kidneys: if something happens to one, the second is ready to fully take over the entire load.
Kidneys do not like careless with their health. How often we do not pay attention to the light drafts on nedolechennye and caries teeth, carries a slight cold on the feet and allow themselves to sit in the cold? And it was the kidney at this time struggling with the whole infection by filtering products of different pathogens.
It is not surprising that they sometimes can not cope, and then followed by caries or mild cold may appear weak pulling back pain, a sense of stagnation in it the morning after awakening, low (low-grade), the temperature at the end of hard day's work. Soon all the bounces, the person on the weekend slept and rested, drank some fashion aspirin, he was again alert and jumping like a grasshopper, but does not know that his kidneys had settled someone else. And this bacillus is not just waiting for the right moment to attack again, but also impairs kidney function. She and multiplies itself, and helps to penetrate into the kidneys from ascending infection of the excretory tract disrupted ureteral valves, which now hide behind not so tight as it should.
Kidney disease begins quietly and softly, which often begin to treat them after the entry into the chronic phase. It is not surprising that a variety of kidney disease occur in children and adults, although women still often than men. This is explained by the structure of the body: the ways in which the kidneys can get infected, shorter and wider.
In this article we'll show you how a little longer to save strength and health of this wonderful natural filter, without which man can not live? They do not like and what we fear the kidney and that, conversely, for them to be useful and enjoyable?
What's bad for the kidneys?
Improper diet - and this is a very broad concept. Thus, the kidneys do not like excess protein, alcohol, sugar and salt, stale and unhealthy food. Let's talk more.
Kidneys do not like meat - especially if you eat too much. Protein does not accumulate in the body, such as, for example, and, unfortunately, fats. Therefore, the entire excess protein and its breakdown products must be withdrawn - of course, through the kidneys, increasing the pressure on them. If the kidneys can not cope with all this load, they may form uric acid stones.
It is for the above reason, the kidneys are harmful and are now fashionable protein diets that are completely balanced and may cause disorders of protein metabolism. Each kidney is placed in a special adipose capsule - there she was warm, soft and safe. Fat layer protects the kidneys from the blows and the cold keeps them in a natural position. It is therefore harmful to the kidneys dramatic weight loss.
Diets that burn fat from the body, essentially bare kidneys, deprive them of protection. As a result, the kidneys receive a double blow: on the one hand, they need to filter the blood and impaired balance, remove the decay products of excess protein, on the other - to work while in extremely adverse conditions, almost naked in the cold.
Kidneys do not like alcohol abuse, including alcohol and weaknesses like beer and all sorts of cocktails. The organism must not only expand the alcohol into components and to bring him (and this occurs through the kidneys). In addition, alcohol dehydrates the body. Passes through the kidneys first triple the volume of liquid - the body gives all the available moisture in order to bring more alcohol, and then comes her lack of blood thickens, and filter it becomes much harder. A filter anyone? Properly, the kidneys!
Abuse too sweet or too salty food breaks in the body fluid and electrolyte balance. In this case, note that a complete rejection of salt (as well as its abuse) leads to kidney failure. A person should consume salt in reasonable quantities. And these reasonable amount about three times smaller than our usual daily dose. We forget that salt is in many foods, even sweets. Nedosalivayte meal - you'll quickly get used to and will have a better sense of its flavor. Of course, if your taste buds have not completely amazed by spirits and too hot and spicy food.
Crowded bladder, and constipation. If a person drinks a normal amount of fluid, he should feel the need to empty the bladder 4-6 times a day. If you do so at least we should think about whether you are drinking enough. We should not suffer to the last: in a crowded part of the urinary bladder of fluid can throw on the ureters into the kidneys again, and it is unnatural and harmful to them.
As for the constipation, then accompanies them poisoning organism decay products. Talking about it and heavy breathing, and fatigue, and poor skin condition. Instead of output, hazardous substances continue to be absorbed in the gut and circulate in the blood, again and again passing through the kidneys. If the kidney, if necessary, and can operate for one another, then another filter and poisons formed in the intestine, they can not do.
Cold, fatigue and nedolechennye disease. We have already talked about the dangers of hypothermia - it can silently cause of chronic renal disease. By the way, if too much heat and too much sweating kidneys also have a hard time, especially if the body lacks water: in this case violated the water-salt balance, rich blood is filtered with difficulty and generally poorly bathes the internal organs.
Fatigue and overwork, disproportionate physical and mental stress significantly weaken the body's resistance and immunity. As a result, different minor and major infections, once in the body, such as through the respiratory system does not encounter resistance and quietly with the blood reaches the kidneys. If at the same time, she discovers that the kidney has long been bored with nothing to do "colleague", together they can make a lot of great for myself, but extremely dangerous for the body of cases.
Well nedolechennye disease, including tooth decay, and banal, are simply a regular supplier to the blood of poisons, toxins and germs. Filter them again, have kidneys.
What is useful?
What can also help the kidneys? How can I prolong their health and increase strength? Actually, to comply with all the useful advice not only useful but also enjoyable. We are pleased to advise you.
Sports, dance and movement. Kidney love movement. When sedentary work with us in the lumbar region postponed fat, flexibility of the spine is broken, there is stagnation of blood. Moreover, any tilts from side to side, twisting, hip motion, characteristic of the dance, accelerate blood flow, improve mood, making breathing more deeply, and life - fun. Please note that hard physical labor when the body does not have time to recover, does not refer to the useful factors.
Tasty useful food. What is here? It's fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs - parsley, dill, celery. Go to your favorite pochkinym products include dog rose, strawberry and strawberry extracts, cucumber and pumpkin. Kidney adore sea fish and sweet peppers, vitamin A, apples, cabbage and, of course, watermelons and melons, as well as all the little diuretic. It turns out that watermelon juice at the beginning gives to drink our body, fills it with moisture dilutes the blood, and then runs through the kidneys unconcentrated solutions of hazardous substances with which our filters to quickly and easily victimized.
In order to help the kidneys, especially if they are not completely healthy, limit your intake of sour cream and cheese, meat, chocolate and foods high in calcium and vitamin C.
Drinking plenty of fluids. Well, here, of course, you need to know the rule - though few exceed this norm, and it is up to 2 ½ liters of fluid per day (depending on the size of the body, of course). In this rule and that is a liquid which is contained in food. The abundance of moisture makes the body inhospitable to bacteria. Can you imagine how they are washed out a powerful stream of water, without having nowhere to gain a foothold.
Coffee and black tea as a liquid is not very suitable, but a variety of herbal infusions, green tea, fruit drinks, high-quality (!) Drinking water - all this really helps our kidneys. Very useful for them cranberry juice is due to the special acid, which makes short work with a variety of bacteria. But with the mineral to be careful: mineral water - it is still, above all, physiotherapy treatment, and drink it must be for medical reasons and not for the usual thirst.
Speaking of lust: if you feel thirsty, it means that your body is just screaming, yelling, screaming that he did not have enough moisture. Do not drive until then, drink a little bit, but often. Here the same principle as with the emptying of the bladder: do not tolerate.
Paradoxically, the lack of fluid in the body can sometimes testify and swelling: water is not enough, and our body begins to accumulate and save. In turn, nefiziologichnoe economical consumption of the liquid leads to the fact that the blood and the urine becomes more concentrated. The fact that blood is thick it is difficult to filter, we have already said, well, concentrated urine could lead to deposition of stones in the bladder.
Dry heat. Kidney love dry heat, combined with abundant drinking. Sauna - the best friend of the kidneys. Part of harmful substances, which in normal circumstances would be filtered through the kidneys, excreted in sweat, and the resulting burden on the kidneys is reduced. But even in the heat dilates blood vessels, and kidneys begin to richly supplied with blood.
Special Poses. Favorite pose kidney - Bozeman (on all fours, leaning on his knees and elbows). If you're so you stand at least five minutes a day, the kidneys will tell you many thanks. In this position, the kidney rest is uniformly supplied with blood and oxygen free sag for extra cords. In kidney pain in the back of this position wants to do instinctively, but this fact does not mean that we should wait for back pain, to make nice to the kidneys.
Alternative Medicine
Flavors. For quite a long time to cure some diseases and to maintain the body's defenses people use essential oils. Geranium lowers blood pressure, pine and eucalyptus successfully fight off colds, basil relieves toothache ... Well, for the kidneys buy in the drugstore oil of bergamot and patchouli.
Gentle massage of the lumbar spine with 6-8 drops of patchouli oil helps the kidneys to cope with the inflammation, and sit-bath with bergamot (3-5 drops of oil) will soothe spasms and pain in cystitis.
Spices. For the recovery of the kidneys, reduce inflammation in them can be used, and spices - juniper berries. Two or three berries can be crushed into powder and take 15 minutes before eating. Drug and alcohol exposure has the infusion of juniper berries - juniper vodka or gin. As Hippocrates said, there is a cure all, and everything is poison - it dose. Drug dose of gin without tonic does not exceed 15-20 grams.
Tibetan sages believe juniper simultaneous kidney on information structure, though he himself would have drawn to them and helps them to work. Moreover, if really quite climb into the jungle of Ayurveda, you can use juniper berries with psychotropic substances that enhance its action in a particular direction.
For example, crushed juniper berries, made with sugar syrup or molasses will help the kidneys perform their hematopoietic and blood-purifying function, and if juniper mixed with the seeds of parsley and honey, it will help dissolve kidney stones.
In this case, depending on the season change and the proportion of composition: in summer it should be more "cool" and contain more additional substances than the juniper, and in winter on the contrary, there can be added and pepper to make the drug more "warm".
The use of these spices and mixes - it fascinating, but to apply this method with caution.
Exercise. Very useful for kidney stretching back - we all know is a simple exercise. Sit on the floor, pull your legs forward, knees bend, his hands are drawn to the toes, back when this is not a hump, a person trying to touch your knees. Hold this position for at least 5 seconds, relax 5 seconds and repeat the exercise again. Slowly bring up to 10 minutes.
I can not at once - get a week or two. Do not get - try to take turns for the right arm and leg, and then - just to the left.
This exercise is called differently: lean forward while sitting - in the usual physical education, "long back" - in wushu Pashimotanasana - in yoga. However, as it any name, it suffices to use not only for kidneys but also for the spleen, liver and stomach.
Emotions. According to Taoist tradition, with each organ involve certain emotions - both positive and negative. So, the inhabitants of the kidneys were, on the one hand, fear, and with another - tenderness and trust. Fear is a negative emotion, which inhibits the activity of the kidneys and destroys them. There is also a feedback: a man with a kidney infection more than others tend to experience various fears.
Tenderness of the same and trust, by contrast, helps the kidneys work, and this relationship also works both ways: the healthier a person the kidneys, the easier it is to experience these emotions, but on the other hand, if the kidney disease consciously cultivate trust and tenderness, recovery would come much faster.
Taoists offer to blow out the fear, representing the color blue - the color of the kidneys and uttering a sound, if you were blowing a candle or blowing on the burnt finger. Imagine how this sound goes away excess wet and cool energy.
The importance of good kidney function noted by the ancient Greeks, who said that a person is healthy only if the health of his kidneys. According to the traditions of oriental medicine, the kidneys are responsible for the fertilization and pregnancy, reproductive rights, his vitality and sexual energy. With the direct involvement of kidneys in the body are formed and circulate fluids (saliva, sweat, mucus, cerebrospinal fluid, plasma, etc.). In case of insufficient kidney function Oriental medicine the deterioration of eyesight and hearing, but healthy kidneys are the source of an active intellectual and creative activity.
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