5 ratings Get Your Facts immune system in the form of the flu season

Author: Yuri // Category: , , ,

Image : http://www.flickr.com

flu season is here, and many of us sick. We seem to have more to fear, however, due to antibiotic-resistant superbugs. There are things you can do to protect themselves and even get healthier, faster.

The herbs echinacea and goldenseal to boost your immune system - up to 60%! This is useful because they allow their immune systems to help the cause, it can be. When used in a combination of liquid, these herbs have been used to kill bacteria, fungiand protozoa and help cure infections.

Goldenseal has been used for centuries to kill all species of bacteria, including streptococci, and immune stimulant properties. It also helps protect the mucous membranes of throat infection, sinus, bronchial, and even the gastrointestinal tract.

Echinacea has been shown to stimulate the immune system by stimulating the activity and the activation of T cells also helps white blood cells attack germs aggressive.

Thiscombination of herbs, powerful addition to your medicine cabinet during the influenza season. The liquid form works best. Can be absorbed more easily than the dismantling of a pill - that would be useful for those who are sick or have stomach or intestinal disorders. But beware - if it lasts more than 10-14 days, your body reacts to it and does not work so well.

Drink plenty of warm water with lemon. Just press a bit 'of fresh lemon juice in a glass of hot water and enjoy. HotWater helps the body absorb the juice faster.

Lemon juice is one of the most powerful antiseptics may be found in nature. It kills germs and helps remove mucus from the body. It contains powerful antioxidants, rich in vitamin C, and contrary to popular belief, it is very alkaline. Therefore, we can help your body alkaline, which allows you to heal faster.

The essential oils of lavender and lemon to relax, while killing bacteria and other pathogens may simultaneously.Essential oils can be put in place for thousands of years to protect and fight against disease. Both oils were traditionally used to help fight infection, kill germs, to move and clean the immune system and help the general relaxation, the body needs to heal.

If you try these oils in this flu season - Make sure that the oils that are made to determine, for use on the skin, compared with only gadget in aromatherapy. If you can not find that the oils of the skin, use dilutedalmonds or half olive oil. These are "base oil" that helps the body to absorb. Try this mix the lower back, soles of the feet, behind the ears and inside cuffs. They also make a lovely addition to a spa.

Do not forget the old standby, vitamin C. .. and most of them. It 's a powerful antioxidant, stimulates growth and tissue repair and helps the body produce collagen. It 'been shown to reduce asthma symptoms, with some patients. Itis known to increase immunity against infection and helps reduce blood pressure.

There are two important parts of vitamin C, dehydroascorbic acid and ascorbic acid. Unfortunately, most multivitamins contain only ascorbic acid. Therefore, it is preferable to juice just download the main sources of food, including fruits and fresh squeezed lemons, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, papayas and guavas same.

This brings us to the end, but veryimportant fact that will help strengthen the immune system in this flu season - eat healthy foods. It 'so simple. Junk Food Stress digestion, congestion throughout the body. This can cause your immune system too slow and does not work perfectly. Furthermore, excess sugar literally cut the immune system.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains and crude protein are easier to digest for the body, which in turn allows them toadditional energy for the immune system to do its job. Furthermore, it is obvious - these foods contain vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes necessary to keep your immune system running and repair your body.

Some or all of the following tips can help you stay healthy or if this flu season. Use this option to boost your immune system, keep your organs working detoxification and help your system one of the villains, including bacteria, microbes and viruses from yourCouncil, before they cause damage.

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