Herbs For Pain Management - A Natural Approach to Pain Relief

Author: Yuri // Category: , , ,

Many individuals suffer from inflammation-related conditions such as neck and back pain along with arthritis and tendinitis. Using anti-inflammatory herbs will thus help to reduce the pain. These drugs however will not provide the same quick result as prescribed pain medication but if used regularly along with a combination of daily exercise and relaxation techniques these promise good results.

These drugs however will not heal your condition by themselves though they might help to relive pain. As a best practice, they should be taken along with medicinal drugs and not be used as a "substitute".

Pine Apples

White willow bark contains Salicin a compound found in aspirin and other pain reducing medicines. This drug is known to have helped to lessen back pain, osteoarthritis and other joints.

Another herb is Boswellia. It is found from a resin found in the roots, bark and leaves of frankincense trees. There are specific biochemical reactions involved in joint inflammation and Boswellia helps to prevent these specific, pain-inducing biochemical reactions.

Another herb known as the Devils Claw was originally used to treat osteoarthritis can also help to lessen pain resulting from other forms of arthritis and back and neck problems. The herb is also associated with improving the quality of life for chronic pain suffers of all types.

Bromelain is a natural substance which is extracted from pineapples. Bromelain has special qualities which help to prevent inflammation and benefit people with arthritis. It helps to heal muscles, tendons and connective tissues too.

Ginger tea is taken by a lot of people. Research now shows that ginger may calm arthritis pain and helps to reduce pain and inflammation more effectively than medicinal drugs and delivers other long-lasting health benefits.

Curcumin is found in curry-spiced turmeric. This compound helps to overcome pro- inflammatory proteins known as cytokines. It also helps to decrease pain which comes with tendinitis.

Herbs For Pain Management - A Natural Approach to Pain Relief

For more information about herbal pain relievers, or if you would like to learn more about natural pain relief in general, visit our site.

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