Pineapple - The Core Hard Facts

Author: Yuri // Category:

The pineapple originated in Brazil. Later it was imported to Europe where historians believe that Christopher Columbus was probably among one of the first people from the continent of Europe to taste this delicious fruit. The pineapple was imported in to Europe and cultivated in hot houses. It is said that members of the European royal family soon developed a desire for this sweet fruit. The pineapple became the fruit for the noble and the elite. Pineapples were introduced into Hawaii in the early nineteenth century, and the young entrepreneur J.D. Dole encouraged the natives to grow the plants as a cash crop. This ultimately led Dole to becoming the leader in the pineapple industry.

Pineapples are not only delicious but are healthy and nutritious as well. Manganese and Thiamin (vitamin B1) along with other enzymes present in pineapples play a significant role in production of energy inside the cells. Therefore, add pineapple to your diet and give yourself lots of energy all through the day. Pineapples contain Bromelain and Vitamin C; both have been shown in studies to help reduce inflammation and pain when taken at higher doses. We can achieve higher doses of both by juicing. Vitamin C and bromelain both contribute to treating cough and colds. Bromelain can also help reduce the swelling caused by sore throat and gout. Vitamin C is beneficial for the prevention of many diseases because it acts as an antioxidant. The Vitamin B6 in pineapple helps to control hormone levels and to nourish the nervous system to prevent emotional disorders. Bromelain has protein digesting properties, which keep the digestive tract healthy. Pineapple juice can thus be used as a marinade and tenderizer for meat.

Pine Apples

Since we know the vitamins and minerals found in the pineapple are good for the digestive system, they aide in helping to maintain an ideal weight. Pineapple connoisseurs claim the fruit can serve as a pain reliever and is even known to be given to expectant mothers' to help induce labor when a baby is overdue.

Fresh pineapple is delicious but it can be a tedious job to cut and core. The pineapple corer makes this job easier by slicing and coring at the same time. Presto, perfectly peeled and cored pineapple rings, and as a bonus you're left with a pineapple shaped fruit bowl. Fresh, juicy perfect spiral-cut pineapple rings in less time than it takes to open a can. Sliced or cubed pineapple can be frozen if stored in an airtight, freezer bag in its own juice. When frozen, it has a tendency to lose some of its flavor. Depending on the moisture content and freshness of your pineapple, they will generally yield juice equal to about 10% of their overall size. Pure pineapple juice can be really sweet, so you may want to garnish it with a cup of crushed iced, which will dilute its sweetness slightly. Fresh pineapple is the perfect fruit on a hot summer day. Kick it up a notch at your next cookout and put some pineapple slices on the grill. Your guests will surely be impressed!

Pineapple - The Core Hard Facts

Diane Spiker enjoys spending time with family and friends. Living in beautiful Jupiter, FL her hobbies include boating and swimming. She is the Logistics Manager for Mulligan Associates, a company specializing in commercial juicers and pineapple corers.

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